torsdag 27 november 2014


Hey, I bought Bolt Action Assault on Normandy starter sets.
Recommend if you want to start with Bolt Action to buying a starter this the set.
This includes the dice 8x (4x german and 4x us), 1x farmhouse, rulebook and 40x 28mm Soldiers

20x US soldiers and 20x german soldiers

German oak leaf camouflage pattern

// Regards Lord fisk

torsdag 6 november 2014

Terminator command squad

Hey it was a little while ago I posted something. has not had much to post, but doing some small projects. So as to build terrain, sons of Horus and Flames of War.


// Lord fisk

tisdag 23 september 2014

The rise of the rout

Hello everyone. has finally started to get a "real" Space Marine army, is up in 996pts on Thursday night.

Wolf guard battle leader
Space Wolves list


Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 50pts
power-fist: 25pts
2x fenrisian wolves: 16pts
Storm shield: 25pts
Runic armor: 20pts
Thunder Wolf cavalary: 50pts


20x grey hunters
Grey Hunters: 140pts
Close Combat Weapon: 20pts
Wolf Standard: 25pts

Grey Hunters: 140pts
Close Combat Weapon: 20pts
1x Melta Gun: 10pts


Dread with great wolf claw and helfrost cannon
Dreadnought: 95pts
Smoke Launcher: 5pts
Extra armor: 10pts
Great Wolf Claw: 5pts
Helfrost Cannon: 20pts

Wolf guard terminator squad: 99pts
2x marines: 66pts
Assault Cannon: 20pts
1x Pair of lightning claws: 15pts
2x Chain-fists: 20pts
2x power-fists: 20pts

lone wolf with pair of lightning claws
Lone wolf: 20pts
Pair of ligtning claws: 30pts

Have tried some different things that I have not done before so that paint with yellow paint (have heard that people have klaggat that it's a difficult color to paint with) the firm thought it went well. Have also tried to use the Glow-on color lysser in the dark if you load up the color in the sun for a while.

Grey hunters

some grey hunters

helforst cannon painted with Glow-on

My 2nd lone wolf on his way

storm shield

first side of the fenrisian great axe (bitz from my first dread)

 axe is painted in Glow-on  on the blades

Lone wolf number 3, just started

Power-fist not finish

shield to my next dreadnught (bitz over from the dread)

Glowing in the dark
Take care of youself !!!

// Lord fisk

tisdag 26 augusti 2014


Hey it's been a while since I wrote something on the blog. So what has happened since last time, has built a 500pts Space Wolves army I've played 3 times with. Went best slandered game but worse on the other second

I've also changed my mind about to start playing warmachines. should instead start with AVP of Prodos games that, I understand it will start selling to novemver or December. may it not be completely accurate. Models work both on their board game and wargame. the game is based on their D20 system.

Here are some pictures of AVP models as Prodos games did.

The pictures are taken from the web

Female predator


Xenomorph warrior


More warriors

starlkers (I believe)

marine again


// Lord Fisk

lördag 12 juli 2014

Sons of horus praetor wip

Hey to all of you, here are some pictures of my Praetor I've been sitting a little with. Has also given him a nickname "Beast" because of two things. 1. heavy metal inspired 2. he has two lightning claws :)

Have also tried to do a reasonably good-looking cloak. (first time I do a cloak)


have used the sons of Horus upgrade package to the torso, mk3 iron armor legs and GWs meltabomb
// greetings from lord fisk

tisdag 17 juni 2014


Hey now start it looks great with my sons of Horus army, will soon have 5 man painted and a Praetor/ Centurion with lightning claw and soon a combi-bolter and shoulder pads :) thought avail myself of Justaerin terminator shoulder pads.

This marine is my favorite model so far, really like the weather effects that I have done on most models :)

 Squad member #5

My Praetor / Centurion do not really know what I should be yet

Squad member #1

Squad member #2

Squad member #3

Squad leader

// Lord fisk

onsdag 4 juni 2014

Sons of horus update

Hey, here goes some pictures of my sons of Horus :) they're not quite finished yet but wanted to show them anyway. If you're wondering why I only have 3 marines at my command squad, it is only because I do not have fixed banner and my preator yet.

Command squad (1/4)

1st captain (Legion champion)

Command squad (2/4)

Command squad (3/4)

Tactical squad sergeant

Command squad (4/4)

// Lord fisk

måndag 12 maj 2014

NEW! Warhammer 40,000: New army organisation options

hey just saw this on youtube:
Wonder how much they can change their list now ;), after the a lot of new army organisation charts.

// Lord fisk

lördag 26 april 2014

Ghost tau army idea

hello to you guys and girls, will begin with a 1750pts list with the tau empire. I read a bit in the past tau codex and found a lot of fun things I can play around with ;)

So have started slowly to write a list and also selected a color scheme for them.

Wanted to have something unique and came up with the idea of doing a ghost tau army (use the color scheme from Call of Duty: ghost) So I will try to paint skulls on all tau helmets and vehicles ;)

Demo color scheme

// Lord fisk

torsdag 3 april 2014


Hello to you, was looking through some pictures on the computer that I have not checked in a while, and found these pictures :)

// Lord fisk