onsdag 18 december 2013

1750pts list

Hello again, this is a project I will be involved with for a while.
It's a 1750pts list that I'll play with against a friend. He will run a 1750pts list with horus heresy salamanders against my Carcharodon list. It will be fun to see who wins the battle.

Here is the list I will be using:

Tyberos the red wake – 190pts  (He will join the terminator assault squad from the Elite Section)
Chaplain – 90pts (He Will join the Tactical squad who is without rhino)
Teeth of terra – 35pts

Tactical marine squad – 140pts
Flamer- 5pts
Power weapon – 15pts
Rhino – 35pts

Tactical marine squad – 140pts
Lightning claw – 15pts
Upgrade to a Veteran captain – 10pts
Stormbolter – 5pts
Rhino – 35pts

Tactical marine squad – 140pts
Lightning claw – 15pts
Upgrade to a veteran captain – 10pts
Combi-flamer – 10pts

Terminator assault – 200pts (Deep striking)

8x bike marines – 168pts
2x melta guns – 20pts

3x land speeder (multi-meltas) – 180pts (Deep striking)

Terminator assault squad – 200pts

Stormraven gunship – 200pts (Will carry tyberos and the terminator squad he joined)
Thunderfire cannon – 100pts (will stand stationary behind cover)

2 pts left


Carchardons - tactical squad

Carcharodons - Tactical squad (same unit)

Carcharodons - tactical squad (same unit)

My HQ - Tyberos the red wake

// Lord fisk

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